#1 - http://chaes1126.egloos.com/photo/album/72645/1758980
#2 - http://chicho21net.deviantart.com/art/Killer-Rabbit-100685977
#3- https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEif4c6xjwF7aOwMAVXYG86DsD1aDci3s5WyZj2S3_srqWGKdfwNdPpL29xQq7ELVlyHmnjvpNhh1dar2WaKdq0ab2HpWo3KMVTz5VvgnO_7xQ2pjeAQDzhjMySY5bkppJEDT-bLa8GlSx8/s1600/PG1_3.gif
I mixed the fire beast thing with the evil bunny, and the guy with the sword from #3 became the protagonist. The composition is loosely based on #2. I'll probably tweak the background shortly, but at this point I wanted to move on to my next project - so I decided to post it. I had lots of fun with this thing. Kind of reminds me of a boss in Zelda.
edit: 9/28/2012 - changed the background and cleaned things up like I said I would. Hope you like it.